
Become an instructor today

Join one of the world’s largest online learning marketplaces.

Publish the course you want, in the way you want, and always have control of your own content. Teach what you know and help learners explore their interests, gain new skills, and advance their careers. Expand your professional network, build your expertise, and earn money on each paid enrollment.

How to become a teacher

Become an instructor and change lives — including your own

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You start with your passion and knowledge. Then choose a promising topic with the help of our Marketplace Insights tool. The way that you teach — what you bring to it — is up to you. How we help you We offer plenty of resources on how to create your first course. And, our instructor dashboard and curriculum pages help keep you organized
Use basic tools like a smartphone or a DSLR camera. Add a good microphone and you’re ready to start. If you don’t like being on camera, just capture your screen. Either way, we recommend two hours or more of video for a paid course. How we help you Our support team is available to help you throughout the process and provide feedback on test videos.
Gather your first ratings and reviews by promoting your course through social media and your professional networks. Your course will be discoverable in our marketplace where you earn revenue from each paid enrollment. How we help you Our custom coupon tool lets you offer enrollment incentives while our global promotions drive traffic to courses. There’s even more opportunity for courses chosen for Udemy Business.